Schedule Your Exam

Schedule With ARC

Exams can be scheduled by phone at (505) 277-1510, email at, or stopping by 2021 Mesa Vista Hall. Always expect a reply when leaving a voice message or sending an email. A reply will indicate that we have received your request.

Please include the following information when scheduling exams:

  • Your name and student ID#
  • Your instructor’s name
  • Course name and section number
  • Date and time you will be taking the exam (please make sure to have enough time to get to your next class)
  • Date and time your class will be taking the exam (sometimes it is a quiz at the beginning of class or the whole class period)

We understand that exam dates may change. Contact the Testing Center as soon as possible if your exam has been rescheduled. Please schedule your exams with the Testing Center even if you are not sure you will take them at ARC. It is much easier for us to cancel an exam rather than find a testing space at the last minute.

Register Online

The information below explains how you can use Clockwork to register and schedule your exam. If you have any technical issues please call ARC at (505) 277-3506. Book Your Exams with the Online Student Services portal.


  1. Go to
  2. Click on Self Registration, which goes to the Request for Accommodations screen.
  3. Click on the Accommodations button under the Main Menu.
  4. Enter your user name and password. It is the same user and password as your UNM email.
  5. You’ll see a list of your current courses, click the Request button to request accommodations for the semester.
  6. The next page lists Your accommodations and Courses to request with check boxes.
  7. Select which accommodations and courses where you want accommodations.
  8. If you want to request another accommodation or remove a listed accommodation, check the box and leave a note for your program specialist.
  9. Check Confirm
  10. Click Agree to the terms and submit.

You’ve now sent accommodation letters for the semester! Now your accommodations letters are in your professor’s inbox and you won’t need to drop off your class schedule

To schedule an exam:

Class schedules must be submitted each semester before you can schedule exams.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Book a test under the Main menu.
  3. Click on Schedule a test, mid-term or quiz under the Main menu.
  4. Enter your UNM user name and password. *It is the same for your UNM email without the
  5. Under Welcome click on Select course or Next.
  6. Select the course with an upcoming exam and click Next. Please note: only the courses that you have sent the accommodation memos to your instructors will show up.
  7. Enter the date of class exam by clicking the calendar or by entering the date (m/d/yy).
  8. Enter the time of the exam by clicking the clock or by entering the time in numbers.
  9. Enter the test duration by clicking the arrows next to the box or by entering the numbers.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Confirm your course and instructor information
  12. Click Next.
  13. Select the accommodations you will use for the exam by checking the each box or click Check all.
  14. Click Next.
  15. You will now see exam date and time listed.
  16. Click Next.
  17. Finally you will confirm all the information by clicking the box acknowledging it is correct.
  18. Click Finish.